"Health and Safety is a mine field, we just make it easier for you to understand"

Key function of the PD is to ensure Fire, Health and Safety (FHS) implications of the project are given due consideration, foreseeable risks are identified, reduced where possible and communicated to allow the project to be built (or refurbished), used, operated, maintained (including cleaned) without undue risks. They must;
plan, manage, monitor and co-ordinate health and safety in the pre-construction phase of a project,
Coordinate health and safety with all designers appointed to the project
Oversee design decisions and identify, eliminate or control foreseeable risks and ensure other designers carry out their duties,
prepare and provide relevant pre-construction information to others,
assist the PC to help them plan, manage, monitor and co-ordinate health and safety in the construction phase.
Communicate with the Client and principal contractor throughout the project
Prepare the Health and Safety File

18001 14001 9000/1
To implement, monitor and manage Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental inspection & audit programmes to ensure compliance with all statutory requirements, MITIE procedures and the specific requirements of the Sky contract;
To create and maintain contract specific Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental plans; Monitor all actions arising from inspections, audits and other similar related activities to ensure effective and timely close out;
Provide proactive advice and support to the Account Director and management team;
Provide essential training and advice across the contract;
Carry out detailed audits in accordance with 14001, 18001 and ISO 9000 2000;
Keep abreast of all associated legislation changes and provide monthly landscape business summaries;
Manage the site induction procedures and e-permit system;
Monitor effective compliance of employees to meet statutory or company requirements e.g. Gas Safe;
Ensure all accident and incidents are investigated.
Liaise with the clients, suppliers and sub-contractors, including entities working within the contract. Drive key QSHE initiatives across the contract;
Liaise with outside agencies e.g. regulatory authorities, insurers;
Support the team in all QSHE initiatives and activities;
Provide regular reports to meet the requirements of the business and of Client; multiple site visits.

Providing on-going, on and off-site health and safety guidance, site visits, support and training Client base, which includes but is not limited to; construction, demolition, railways and factories. Monitor, reviewing and updating client’s health and safety policy and procedures, monitor and improving on Clients safety management systems, accident investigations,

Health and safety professional with extensive experience of working with organisations to ensure their Health and Safety processes and systems meet and exceed legislative requirements, also highly experienced in delivering a Principal Designer role especially with organisations who need help in understanding their responsibilities under the CDM 2015 regulations. Key skills include:
Reviewing risk assessments, method statements, reviewing construction phase plans and producing PCI packs and health and safety files
Conducting site visits to create pre-construction information packs
Assisting in organising and helping to run safety training courses and maintain the management of training for various sites
Advising management teams of organisations as to how they need to improve their sites to ensure they are fully compliant with existing legislation
Design Reviews for London Underground, BT and Network Rail
Civils works for disabled access (London Underground).
Delivered Health and Safety advisory services to contractors working on several University projects including Brunel University.
London Borough of Brent - Corporate Health and Safety Advisor - Updating and maintaining Council Arrangements, carrying out accident incident investigations, Co originating and carrying out departmental risk assessments, working with heads of departments and line managers, providing health and safety guidance to Regeneration and Environment, Parks and Leisure, Property, Property Regeneration, FM and Highways, setting up of internal audit system, including departmental gap analysis audits. Setting up and delivering of internal training programme, Identifying and prioritising gaps in Corporate Arrangements and working with other Local Authorities.
Turner & Townsend - Production of new Principal Designer process in line with the changes to CDM 2015 Regulations. Production of new Client end to end process manual, flow charts, audit forms, review and update SLA’s, update Turner and Townsend own quality management system and production and delivering of new process training.
Who should be appointed as Principal Designer (PD)?
This depends upon the nature and complexity of the scheme. On larger schemes, the Client should look towards an existing designer who is best place to lead and control the design and planning stage. On smaller schemes, this may be undertaken in-house (with or without support). Initially, designers may be unfamiliar with the duties and may need to be encouraged to seek the support of a previous CDMC until skills sets are developed.
In all cases the PD must as per Regulation 8 (1) of CDM have the skills, knowledge and experience, and, if they are an organisation, the organisational capability, necessary to fulfil the role that they are appointed to undertake, in a manner that secures the health and safety of any person affected by the project.
The designer or contractor must not accept an appointment to a project, unless they fulfil the conditions in paragraph 8 (1).
The person appointing the designer, or contractor, to carry out work on a project (Regulation 8 (3) ) states that, must take reasonable steps to satisfy themselves, that the designer, or contractor, fulfils the conditions in paragraph 8 (1).
Therefore if an internal appointment this must be made formally by the person’s manager once the assessment has been made.
On Smaller projects and planned works
There is no reason why on smaller projects that the role of Principal Designer (PD).cannot be undertaken by a member of the Property Department or an external organisation. They must meet the competencies as detailed in regulation 8 and if an internal appointment this must be made formally by the person’s manager once the assessment has been made and prior to the works commencing. This appointment can be made via e-mail.
When a project spans between Property Department and FM for example a refurbishment then it will be agreed which department will nominate an individual to act as PD. This will depend on the planned works. An example would be a complete refit of IT equipment with the room having a coat of paint the PD would probably be better appointed from FM.
The PD is a primary duty holder of CDM 2015 and an integral part of a Design Team. The PD must be a designer on the project and be in a position to have control over the design and planning stage. The PD needs:
a technical knowledge of the construction industry, relevant to the project
an understanding of how health and safety is managed through the design process
the skills to be able to oversee health and safety during the pre-construction phase of the project and the ongoing design.
The PD function will be completed by an existing internal resource although the Property Department at large will be the duty holder. On larger schemes or those of an unusual nature or those presenting significant risks will need to appoint externally. In these, circumstances the PD will be required to complete the PD functions in their entirety.
Ideally, the PD should have skills commensurable with the type project under consideration i.e. an architectural background for building refurbishment projects, an engineering background on mechanical biased projects and electrical where works are involve significant changes to electrical infrastructure. Whether internal or external appointed PD should be active at the all stages including feasibility, design, pre-construction, construction and handover of a project.
Why do I need a Health and Safety Consultant?
Legal duties All organisations have management processes or arrangements to deal with payroll, personnel issues, finance and quality control managing health and safety is no different.
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 require employers to put in place arrangements to control health and safety risks.
As a minimum, you should have the processes and procedures required to meet the legal requirements, including: â– a written health and safety policy (if you employ five or more people);
â– assessments of the risks to employees, contractors, customers, partners, and any other people who could be affected by your activities – and record the significant findings in writing (if you employ five or more people). Any risk assessment must be ‘suitable and sufficient’;
â– arrangements for the effective planning, organisation, control, monitoring and review of the preventive and protective measures that come from risk assessment;
â– access to competent health and safety advice,
â– providing employees with information about the risks in your workplace and how they are protected;
â– instruction and training for employees in how to deal with the risks;
â– ensuring there is adequate and appropriate supervision in place;
â– consulting with employees about their risks at work and current preventive and protective measures
For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please call: 07984858730 or fill out the following form
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